Update: Emerging Tools, Not Magic Pills
Here you are have the twice-a-month newsletter with our 10 most popular blog posts. Please remember that you can subscribe to receive this Newsletter by email, simply by submitting your email at the top of this page.
Our first Brain Training/ Fitness Webinar Series was a success with several hundred participants and great feedback. If you could not participate, you can still review the presentation slides by clicking Here. A key message from the series: it is exciting that our brains remain more flexible, at all ages, than was once thought possible. The implications? Every single owner of a brain can benefit from learning more about how to maintain the “It” in “Use It or Lose It.” And which tools, if any, can be helpful. But, remember,there are no magic pills for cognitive health and performance.
Market News
National Neurotechnology Initiative: Neurotech leaders ask for help to support a pending bill on funding for applications of brain research.
Lumos Labs raises $3 m in venture capital: This website provides a stimulating user experience at a reasonable cost. However, there is no clinical validation showing the efficacy of their specific brain training program. If you are in the market for programs than make brain-related claims, please check out our 10-Question Evaluation Checklist. Click Here.
Report for Brain Fitness Centers: We are happy to see more organizations, from retirement communities to health systems, benefit from our market report to navigate the brain fitness field and make better informed decisions.
Executive Functions, Education and Alzheimer’s Disease: What we find exciting is the growing amount of research showing how specific cognitive skills (attention, memory, etc.…) can be improved. An important reason why the search for a “magic pill” will prove elusive is because there is a variety of brain structures and functions to care care of, not just one. An area that deserves more attention: our frontal lobes and so-called executive functions.
Promising Cognitive Training Studies for ADHD: Dr. David Rabiner reports the results from two recent scientific studies highlighting that “cognitive training interventions may provide an important complement to traditional medication treatment and behavior therapy” to help children with attention deficits.
Cognitive and Emotional Development Through Play: Enough about “exercise” and “training”. Dr. David Elkind, author of The Power of Play: Learning That Comes Naturally, discusses the need to build a more “playful culture.”
Health & Wellness
Physical or Mental Exercise for Brain Health?: Both are important. Advice for a couch potato: Be Active. For a teenager: Don’t Drop Out of School, Go To College. For a middle age person: Make Sure you Have a Stimulating Job. For a retired person: Find and Try to Master New Hobby Every Few Years.
Professional Development
Your Trading Brain: Expert or Novice: Information is power, yet, how often do we ask ourselves, “how does my brain work?”. Trader and neuropsychologist Dr. Janice Dorn provides an in-depth discussion to help traders make better decisions and be more successful.
Brain Teasers
Brain Games: Spot the Difference. You can exercise your brain without spending a dime. In fact, you may well already be.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter. Please stay tuned for the next one at the end of June. It will include a fascinating interview with Dr. Arthur Kramer on the cognitive benefits of physical exercise and his cutting-edge cognitive training work with the Navy and air controllers.