Cognitive, Brain News RoundUp - SharpBrains
Inter­est­ing recent news: 1) A Par­a­digm Shift in Genet­ics (Philadel­phia Inquirer) 2)  Con­fer­ence on Brain Devel­op­ment and Learn­ing: Mak­ing Sense of the Sci­ence (thanks Pete) 3) 1 in 5 vet­er­ans found with men­tal dis­or­der (Boston Globe) 4) Com­mon Med­ica­tions May Harm Mem­o­ry in Old­er Peo­ple (U.S. News & World Report) 5) Men More Like­ly to Devel­op Cog­ni­tive Prob­lems (Forbes) For more…
Alvaro Fernandez