Brain Fitness Newletter: Mid-March edition

Here you are have the bi-month­ly Digest of our 10 most Pop­u­lar blog posts. (Also, remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive our blog RSS feed, or to our newslet­ter at the top of this page if you want to receive this digest by email).Crossword Puzzles Brain fitness

We hope you had a great Brain Aware­ness Week.

Brain Fitness Software After many months of work we have just released our inau­gur­al report The State of the Brain Fit­ness Soft­ware Mar­ket 2008 for cor­po­rate exec­u­tives, health care pro­fes­sion­als, and investors. This report defines the emerg­ing brain fit­ness soft­ware mar­ket and ana­lyzes the size and trends of its four cus­tomer seg­ments. For top 10 high­lights and to pur­chase the report at a 10% dis­count (before March 20th) click here: Report: The State of the Brain Fit­ness Soft­ware Mar­ket 2008

Brain Fit­ness News and Events

NEWS FEA­TURE-Brain fit­ness seen as hot indus­try of the future (Reuters 03/12): The most com­pre­hen­sive arti­cle we have seen so far cov­er­ing this emerg­ing field, based on our mar­ket report and with orig­i­nal report­ing. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed read.

Brain, Edu­ca­tion and Health events: two great upcom­ing events. Learn­ing & The Brain (April 26–29, 2008. Cam­bridge, MA) and Brain Health Accross the Lifes­pan (May 15th, 2008. San Fran­cis­co, CA).

Hack your brain (Net­work­World 03/05): good arti­cle on our pan­el last week in O’Reil­ly Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies Con­fer­ence, most­ly focused on the poten­tial use of drugs and devices for “cog­ni­tive enhancement”.

Health & Wellness

The brain virtues of phys­i­cal exer­cise: Dr. Adri­an Pre­da writes a thought-pro­vok­ing arti­cle chal­leng­ing us to think about phys­i­cal exer­cise as the most unap­pre­ci­at­ed form of “brain exer­cise”. Click on the link to tell Dr. Pre­da your ques­tions and par­tic­i­pate in the debate.

Mind Hacks and the Place­bo Effect: Once we decide to do some­thing, should­n’t we try to “place­bo our­selves” in order to get the most out of it?


The Pow­er of Mind­sight: Daniel Gole­man, of Emo­tion­al Intel­li­gence fame, writes a great arti­cle on par­ent­ing and “repar­ent­ing”.

Eric Jensen on Learn­ing and the Brain: in-depth inter­view with Eric Jensen, who found­ed the Learn­ing Brain Expo, a con­fer­ence for edu­ca­tors, and writ­ten mul­ti­ple books to make brain research acces­si­ble to par­ents and edu­ca­tors, includ­ing the Enrich­ing Our Brains book we fea­tured last month.

Edu­ca­tion @ New York Times Mag­a­zine: superb arti­cles on edu­ca­tion reform, social entre­pre­neur­ship and ven­ture phil­antropy. Not direct­ly brain-relat­ed, but a very stim­u­lat­ing read.

Brain Teas­er

Mak­ing Ends Meet: oth­er type of “ends”.

Have a great week!

Note: this may be my last post in a few days because my wife is about to give birth to our first baby…but there will be some posts by Con­trib­u­tors, so you can still come back and enjoy).

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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