Stress Management as Key Factor For Cognitive Fitness, and More News

Brain Health NewsA roundup of sev­er­al excel­lent arti­cles this week:

Keep­ing Your Brain Fit (US News and World Report)

- “In a study of more than 2,800 peo­ple ages 65 or old­er, Har­vard researchers found that those with at least five social ties—church groups, social groups, reg­u­lar vis­its, or phone calls with fam­i­ly and friends—were less like­ly to suf­fer cog­ni­tive decline than those with no social ties.”

- “The work­ing hypoth­e­sis is that it has some­thing to do with stress man­age­ment,” says Mar­i­lyn Albert, a neu­ro­sci­en­tist at Johns Hop­kins and codi­rec­tor of the Alzheimer’s research cen­ter there. In ani­mal stud­ies, a pro­longed ele­va­tion in stress hor­mones dam­ages the hip­pocam­pus. Social engage­ment appears to boost peo­ple’s sense of con­trol, which affects their stress lev­el. Cre­ative arts seem to be a high­ly promis­ing way to increase social engage­ment. George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty’s Cohen has found that elder­ly peo­ple who joined choirs also stepped up their oth­er activ­i­ties dur­ing a 12-month peri­od, while a non­sing­ing con­trol group dropped out of some activ­i­ties. The singers also report­ed few­er health prob­lems, while the con­trol group report­ed an increase.”

We Nev­er For­get Any­thing (Any­more) (Pre­ven­tion Magazine)

- “Pro­cess­ing new infor­ma­tion when we’re anx­ious is tough; the stress itself is a dis­trac­tion. Fer­nan­dez taught Lau­rie this relax­ation trick: Close your eyes, touch your pinky fin­gers to your thumbs, and think about that healthy feel­ing after a good work­out. Take deep breaths and hold that thought for 30 sec­onds. Next, move your ring fin­gers to your thumbs and remem­ber a time when you felt loved for 30 sec­onds. For your mid­dle fin­gers, recall a car­ing ges­ture, and for your index fin­gers, imag­ine a beau­ti­ful place.”

- “After just a week of Sharp­Brains train­ing, I sur­prised myself: One Fri­day after­noon, a col­league want­ed to show me a new part of the job. There were kids talk­ing, phones ringing–it was hard to focus. I took a moment to use the relax­ation tech­nique I learned. On Mon­day, I was able to com­plete a project with no extra help.”

Update (2/14): great 4‑minute clip of a Today Show seg­ment based on the article.

Alzheimer’s Hat Draws Skep­ti­cism (ABC News)

- “Alzheimer’s researchers not affil­i­at­ed with the work say the chances that the hat would actu­al­ly work for human patients is remote at best.”

Study: Symp­toms of GIs’ brain injuries, PTSD can be con­fused (USA Today)

- “In response, the Army announced just days ago plans to expand efforts to iden­ti­fy sol­diers who suf­fered con­cus­sions, screen­ing thou­sands for the wounds as they return from Iraq or Afghanistan to Army instal­la­tions across the country.”


  1. Julie on February 4, 2008 at 7:41

    Inter­est­ing piece of infor­ma­tion… I know I’m not that old yet but my grand­moth­er is a very good exam­ple of this. At her age, she’s still run­ning a busi­ness (although I sus­pect she’s about to sell the whole thing off). She wakes up before 6 every morn­ing and goes to the park with the rest of her friends. She trav­els and sings with her singing group. Maybe all these things help in keep­ing her healthy.

  2. Alvaro on February 4, 2008 at 8:22

    Hel­lo Julie, thanks for shar­ing those beau­ti­ful things your grand­ma does. Please say Hel­lo to her on our behalf, next time you talk to her :-)

  3. Tom Shea on May 16, 2009 at 5:55

    Hel­lo, I am a 76 year old male and am inter­est­ed in branin exer­cis­es that show at times how i pro­gressed and at what lev­el. Is there such pro­grams . Thanks for listening

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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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