How can I improve concentration and memory?
Let’s put it all together: Remembering names
We often forget names in the few second after we have heard them. Most of the time this phenomenon can be related to a lack of attention or concentration. It is also caused by the fact that names have no specific meaning and are thus hard to memorize. Say you are introduced to Kim today:
1. Pay attention to the name: Ask Kim to repeat her name if you have not heard it very well. Make a conscious effort of trying to memorize the name: Focus on it (“Her name is Kim. I want to remember it.”)
2. Relate to the name: What does this person make you feel like? Do you know someone else named like this? Think about this other person. (“She seems quite nervous, I wonder why. She makes me feel a bit uneasy. Not at all like the other Kim I know from the gym.”)
3. Repeat the name: Use the name several times in the conversation. (“What do you think of this, Kim?”) If applicable, use the person’s business card later on to read her name over and over.
4. Elaborate on the name: Relate the name to previous information (“Kim, as in Kim Wilde I used to listen to when I was a kid. Well, she sure doesn’t look like Kim Wilde!”). Picture her face later on in the day as you repeat her name.
Hope this helps!
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i like what u have 2 say..i originally went searching for brain kinesthetics and came accross your info..glad i did.thanks
D — Glad you are enjoying the site! We always love to hear how we’re doing — let us know your thoughts as you keep exploring.
Thanks for the tips. I’m looking for specific exercises that I can do to improve concentration and memory. I am going to try memorizing portions of scripture. That has helped in the past a lot. Also, have you heard anything about clapping one’s hands to a metronome to improve concentration? I heard about it once, but am not sure of the specifics. Thanks!
Hi Dave, I found this too very helpful. See if that helps you too:
Helps me a lot.
I forgot what I just read O.o lol ^^
I think being focused and attentive is something thats required, but we’re not necessarily taught. Its important to try to watch your thoughts and sustain your thoughts for as long as needed. I’ve found that meditation and a good diet works well in order to aid focus and overall cognitive functioning. Hope this helps.
thank you for your inspiring hints on how to improve my memory
I blog on memory reseasrch ( and I ran across papers that show people are more distractible as they age. Most older people (I am one) have to work harder to pay attention.
All makes sense being an older student myself (47) :0 . this will help me retake my 3rd year under graduate studies again with a better understanding and more confidence, improving concentration.
Thanks Q&A for tips of improving concentration and memory. I think they will be much helpul to my preparation for TOEFL. I’m greatly inspired to improve my listening.
I found that studying something on 2 different days (1 day between them to study some other subject) helped a lot in all my undergrad and graduate studies, as long as I studied seriously both times. Interleaving the study days this way worked for me even as an older student (Ph.D., enginering). No distractions, of course!
Marek K.
I found reading difficult sometimes because i normally experience headache due to having different thoughts most cases but now things have improve.