Some Weekend Reading

There are a cou­ple of great blog car­ni­vals out there from this past week, if you’re look­ing for some moti­vat­ing and fun reading.

  • RT pub­lished the inau­gur­al issue of the #1 Fit­ness and Health Car­ni­val at Real Women’s Fit­ness. Don’t wor­ry, even if you’re a guy, there’s plen­ty there to get you start­ed and keep you moti­vat­ed on a fit­ness plan — for your body and your mind. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like this post: Bring Back the Fun which aims at get­ting you to have more cre­ativ­i­ty with your work­out. Kev­in’s sug­ges­tions also make for good brain fit­ness — most of his sug­ges­tions include nov­el­ty and chal­lenge, both of which are good for moti­va­tion and brain fitness.
  • Anoth­er inter­est­ing fit­ness-relat­ed post is What Is The Best Pre­dic­tor of Suc­cess­ful Lead­er­ship? from Busi­ness, Tech­nol­o­gy and Knowl­edge. Jack, the author, makes a point that play­ing sports helps devel­op lead­er­ship skills. So next time you need to leave work ear­ly to play bas­ket­ball, tell your boss it’s “lead­er­ship train­ing”. We agree that sports make for good brain exer­cise as well as phys­i­cal exercise.
  • Speak­ing of lev­i­ty, Cre­ative Ideas for Busi­ness Games, which was post­ed in the TimeCheeze Blog­Car­ni­val pro­vides some good chuck­les. Or delve into Mad Kane’s Humor Blog for a great col­lec­tion of posts and links to browse. Enjoy — real laugh­ter is great for your health!
  • Now that you’re relaxed and mel­low from laugh­ing, Pol­li­wog Presents the Car­ni­val of Good Stuff which will keep the warm fuzzies (or at least the dopamine and oxy­tocin) going. One par­tic­u­lar­ly good arti­cle is Med­i­ta­tion Series for Begin­ners which gives a fan­tas­tic intro­duc­tion and guide to try­ing med­i­ta­tion. Try it out — you might be sur­prised at sim­ple and pro­found it is.


  1. RT on January 25, 2007 at 7:14

    Thanks for link­ing back to the Car­ni­val. I hope to see more sub­mis­sions from you next time!

  2. Caroline on January 25, 2007 at 10:28

    Absolute­ly! Thanks for putting in the time and effort to host a great car­ni­val, RT.

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