Blog Carnivals, Thanksgiving and Mission Accomplishing

Big par­ty today. Car­ni­vals everywhere. 

Car­o­line and I admit we are quite biased. We see the world through our own lens­es. Which, these days, means a lot of pas­sion for the sci­ence-based Brain Fit­ness Rev­o­lu­tion. We have been try­ing hard to com­bine fun brain teasers with seri­ous posts on how brain research is start­ing to influ­ence Edu­ca­tion, Health and Train­ing, and are thank­ful that these efforts are start­ing to pay off-Mis­sion Accomplishing!

The week­end start­ed very well. Kevin from IQ Cor­ner and Tick­Tock­BrainTalk had brought great ear­ly aus­pices by intro­duc­ing a Sharp­Brains feed box into his blog. A num­ber of trad­ing blogs, includ­ing Brett Steen­barg­er’s and Trad­er Mike’s, enjoyed our posts on trad­er per­for­mance and biofeedback.

Today has been the full Car­ni­val day. Sandy, with Car­o­line as vir­tu­al co-host of the Encephalon, wrote a full encycli­cal cov­er­ing fas­ci­nat­ing neu­ro­science blogs, and includ­ed sev­er­al of our own writ­ings on why we turn down the radio when we get lost while dri­ving, the Tech­nol­o­gy & Learn­ing arti­cle on a pro­gram to reduce test anx­i­ety, and a great inter­view on trad­ing psy­chol­o­gy with Brett Steenbarger.

Tara host­ed the ADD/ ADHD car­ni­val, where we report­ed on the growing under­stand­ing of the role of exec­u­tive func­tions and frontal lobes in atten­tion deficits, as seen in CHADD conference.

Con­stant learn­ing and growth are impor­tant ingre­di­ents of healthy aging, so we were hap­py to add val­ue to Lyman’s Per­son­al Devel­op­ment Car­ni­val.

We all go through dif­fi­cult phas­es at times, so we con­tributed to the Car­ni­val of Heal­ing, host­ed by Hueina, commenting on the impor­tance of pro­tect­ing time for things that are impor­tant for our health and long term goals, and shar­ing sug­ges­tions to improve mem­o­ry.

With Thanks­giv­ing approach­ing, we could do no less than write some­thing for the Car­ni­val of Fam­i­ly Life — Thanks­giv­ing thoughts and feel­ings, where we shared with Kel­ly, Karen and oth­er par­tic­i­pants, sug­ges­tions to man­age the intense and some­times stress­ful moments that will come dur­ing the week, and extolled the brain virtues of eat­ing veg­eta­bles to com­ple­ment a Turkey-rich diet.

Update: The Preg­nan­cy Car­ni­val came out a cou­ple of days after we wrote this post, con­tain­ing our find­ings and tips on the “pla­cen­ta brain”-how preg­nant women, most­ly dur­ing the third trimester, can feel tem­porar­i­ly for­get­ful and unfo­cused.Now, the Brain Teas­er of the day: which of all the blogs and Car­ni­vals men­tioned above both links to both a post on Pow­er Naps and con­tains a link that lit­er­al­ly says “the shared ele­ments (opsins) in the rho­bo­der­mic (inver­te­brate) and cil­liary (ver­te­brate) eyes point towards a com­mon his­tor­i­cal descent and are part of the same phy­lo­ge­net­ic tree.”

Answer: see the com­ment below.

Enjoy the week. Thanks to all hosts who are help­ing us get get word out-and from whom we are learn­ing how to write a good blog!

Car­o­line and Alvaro



  1. Alvaro on November 20, 2006 at 11:27

    Encephalon. Hi Sandy!

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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