#2. Classic attention experiment (1‑minute video)

Let’s try this fun exper­i­ment, con­ceived by Simons and Chabris for their clas­sic study on sus­tained inat­ten­tion­al blindness.

–>You will watch a brief video clip, and your chal­lenge is to count how many times that the play­ers wear­ing white pass the basketball. 



Next brain teas­er in Sharp­Brains’ top 25 series:


  1. eldofas on April 7, 2008 at 5:16

    Goril­la!?!?! I can´t believe it. I had to watch it again to see the gorilla.

  2. IamSmelly on May 31, 2008 at 2:38

    I was count­ing when a rather pecu­liar Goril­la start­ed to dance in crowed of kids play­ing basketball.
    Those self­ish kids, did­n’t even hand off to the more agile and yes very friend­ly Goril­la. What gives? Oh i count­ed 30, and did­n’t notice the goril­la at first.
    Nice goril­la!! **Ahhh…Drulling**

  3. S.Sixx on June 1, 2008 at 11:27

    I got 32 (:

  4. gemmarelli on June 13, 2008 at 9:56

    i count­ed 32 :)first time round total­ly missed the goril­la! Sec­ond time round i noticed it and noticed white shirts passed to white shirts and black shirts passed to black shirts!

  5. Audrey on June 18, 2008 at 5:46

    I missed the goril­la com­plete­ly until sec­ond pass. In retro, I may have seen a dark shad­ow which I briefly which I dis­re­gard­ed. Did­n’t notice whites and blacks only threw to same col­or. Got a long way to go. Great exercise.
    And now I don’t remem­ber how many balls I count­ed, but do remem­ber count­ing only times balls actu­al­ly passed from one per­son­’s hands to another’s…

  6. Pat on June 30, 2008 at 4:55

    OK, I only count­ed 27, but did see the “S” but not the fuzzy creature.…
    How many wood­chucks could a wood­chuck chuck if a wood­chuck could chuck wood? (Still only see 27 passes.)

  7. ME on July 10, 2008 at 9:32



  8. Liam on July 19, 2008 at 11:22

    Very Inter­est­ing results. I did see the goril­la, how­ev­er, it was only after I read the arti­cle, That it reg­is­tered. Very fascint­ing. I count­ed 29 or 30!

  9. Jerry on August 2, 2008 at 8:55

    I count­ed 28.…

  10. catiana271 on August 15, 2008 at 4:02

    I count­ed 32 passes
    Saw goril­la the first time, but dis­re­gard­ed it as it did­n’t get the ball
    I thought they were play­ing some kind of team monkey–i mean–gorilla in the mid­dle for a sec­ond there ;-).
    I actu­al­ly real­ized that they did­n’t pass to each oth­er which made it eas­i­er to keep track of the number…

  11. lacy on August 26, 2008 at 1:40

    i got twen­ty six and i saw the gorilla

  12. Aris on August 29, 2008 at 5:14

    My broth­er showed this to me when he was in psych class…I noticed the goril­la right away and count­ed how many times hte ball was passed haha­ha it made me smile and him mad because I saw it :D I can’t believe some peo­ple don’t notice that!

  13. kyle on September 3, 2008 at 5:25

    i count­ed 31 pass­es. seen a bet­ter ver­sion which is hard­er to keep track in.and i noticed the goril­la first time.

  14. ginny on September 24, 2008 at 8:07

    I count­ed 16– because can you count it if the ball is bounced and returns to the same pair of hands?

  15. rochrim on September 25, 2008 at 11:38

    i count­ed 26, saw the gorilla

  16. kayla on September 26, 2008 at 9:07

    i saw the goril­la, no fly­ing pig. and im sure there was only 24 passes…most of the time they just kept drib­bling and pass­ing to themselves…

  17. kayla on September 26, 2008 at 9:08

    okay i watched it again. and this time i got twenty-six…

  18. brittany on October 14, 2008 at 5:39

    yea we wached this one at school and no on seen the gori­la at first so we had to go back and watch it so yea i seen the thing back there doin the pop he was just tryin to be a showoff lol but i count­ed 27 balls

  19. SoSo on October 18, 2008 at 7:26

    Realy it was the most inter­est­ing quiz i have had for the first time i count 23 and i see the fun­ny gori­la ;D the sec­ound time i count 30 but i’m not sure that i’v i see the gorilla;D

  20. Ashish on October 19, 2008 at 9:15

    There were 34 hand changes (black 19, white 15), you have to watch the clip atleast twice.

  21. gary on October 31, 2008 at 9:23

    I count­ed 24 pass­es and 0 gorillas

  22. Yannick on November 2, 2008 at 1:33

    I count­ed 28 and saw the goril­la! It’s fun­ny cuz while count­ing I said to myself: “Great… they had to through in a damn goril­la to screw up my counting”!!

  23. Chemogirl on November 3, 2008 at 2:42

    I count­ed Thir­ty two but that goril­la dis­tract­ed me, and them turn­ing their backs when I could­n’t see the balls. My son 10 years old was watch­ing with me and count­ed 29. I asked him did that goril­la dis­tract him too and he said what goril­la LOL. I had to play the whole thing all over again to prove that there was a gorilla.

  24. Naomi on November 4, 2008 at 4:23

    I count­ed 28 pass­es and no gorrillas ;-(

  25. hi on November 7, 2008 at 3:32

    i count­ed twen­ty five because the goril­la came in and had the ball twice and that has con­fused me also it was hard to try and count when the ball was being passed so fast

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