Reading emotions and faces
Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, when discussing different Frontal Lobe’s functions in his great Wisdom Paradox book, says that “Executive intelligence” includes “the ability to penetrate other people’s minds, and that starts with an interest in other people’s minds.”
And what do we call a window into other people’s emotions?
A face.
Paul Ekman has conducted extensive research on identifying emotions through facial expressions. As part of that research, and as part of the power of discipline and training, he learned how to consciously manipulate 42 facial muscles, including many that in most of us are beyond our control, and even awareness. |
Based on primary and secondary research, he found that there are seven emotions expressed in the face in universally consistent ways:
— Sadness
— Anger
— Surprise
— Fear
— Enjoyment
— Disgust
— Contempt
Even more interesting: according to his research, feelings and facial expressions influence each other. This is, not only a sad person will naturally look sad, but a person who intentionally smiles will feel more content than a person who doesn’t.
Question: from left to right, top then down, what universal feeling does each face indicate?
More brain teaser games:
Anger Fear Surprise
Contempt Enjoyment Sadness
Very good, Pat!
Anger Fear Surprise
Contempt Enjoyment Sadness
I think the face you are calling “Contempt” looks more like “Disgust” to me. But the meanings of those words could be considered similar.
I mean, if I am disgusted by someone or something — then — at that moment — I am viewing them with contempt.
anger, fear, surprise
disgust, enjoyment, contempt
fury or anger,
shocked surprise with fear,
nice surprise or pretend surprise or conveying interest in conversation,
disgust (she seems to be saying “ewww!”)
sad but only surface deep sad.
1. anger or contempt
2. fear
3. surprise
4. disgust
5. enojoyment and
6. sadness
Anger, fear, suprised, disqusted, happy =D, and sad :(
anger, fear, surprise, disgust or contempt,enjoyment, sadness
I read them as anger, fear, surprise, disgust, enjoyment,and sadness.
I equate the face that I recognize as disguest with a voice saying, “Ewwww.”
I thought the METT labeled them happiness instead of enjoyment and disgust instead of contempt…
1. I am so angry
2. I am completely mortified
3. I’m pretending to listen but really I am not.
4. I smell something funny
5. I am so totally like, bored.