Brain exercise: are these lines, top-down, parallel?
September 24, 2006//
1) In your eyes?
2) In reality?
Do you have a guess on what is going on? Answer posted as a Comment.
Posted in Brain Teasers
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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.
yes they are parallel
Yes, they are parallel. Pay attention to a single row, and then look at the adjacent one. The lines appear parallel.
Lines outside direct focus, in peripheral vision, bend.
black colour makes the surrounded white look smaller in surface
good point, Christopher
It looks like a bunch of desks
They are totally parallel, the eyes are our biggest enemy in the mater of disguise
Uhhhhhhhhh turned sideways..uhhh…it.uhhhh..loooooks like a bunch of tem olllll’ boxed seguls.