
Cus­tom Research and Consulting

Sharp­Brains helps com­pa­nies, health providers, investors, and pol­i­cy­mak­ers under­stand and par­tic­i­pate in the emerg­ing brain fit­ness field. The com­pa­ny tracks and ana­lyzes brain fit­ness research, mar­kets, trends, and oppor­tu­ni­ties – offer­ing clients unpar­al­leled insight and mar­ket intelligence.

Learn more about Cus­tom Research and Consulting Ser­vices.


Alvaro Fer­nan­dez syn­the­sizes and trans­lates the lat­est neu­ro­science into provoca­tive, com­pelling, and enter­tain­ing sto­ries of men­tal fit­ness and the future of the brain.” –David Pescovitz, Research Direc­tor, Insti­tute for the Future.

Are you see­ing all the arti­cles about Brain Fit­ness and Train­ing in the pop­u­lar press and won­der­ing, “What is this all about?”, “Can some­one help us nav­i­gate through all the research, infor­ma­tion and pro­grams out there?”.

Alvaro Fer­nan­dez, Sharp­Brains’ co-founder and CEO, speaks reg­u­lar­ly to a wide range of audi­ences in both small, infor­mal groups and large, more for­mal ones.

Learn more about Speak­ing Engage­ments.


  1. olinda fertonani nunes on July 26, 2008 at 6:14

    I’d like to know if you have any course about brain­fit­ness. I’d like to receive course agen­da if is pos­si­ble, thanks Olinda

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