8‑week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course found to be as effective as Lexapro (escitalopram) to treat adults with anxiety disorders, and with far fewer side effects

Anx­i­ety is the most com­mon psy­chi­atric dis­or­der, with over 301 mil­lion ?peo­ple affect­ed around the world. Whether extreme anx­i­ety aris­es in social sit­u­a­tions, is trig­gered by a par­tic­u­lar pho­bia, or man­i­fests as a gen­er­al unease in the world, it can severe­ly affect people’s every­day func­tion­ing and lead to high lev­els of dis­tress. Luck­i­ly, there are…

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The important thing (to build resilience, manage stress) is to set a definite schedule”

Ques­tion by Iso­bel Mar­tinez: In the chap­ter about man­ag­ing stress and build­ing resilience, the sharp­brains guide talks about things like aer­o­bic exer­cise, med­i­ta­tion and biofeed­back-based train­ing games. Where should a 46-year-old HR exec­u­tive start? I’m inter­est­ed in myself and also in what to poten­tial­ly bring to the organization.

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