Brain Plasticity, Health and Fitness Books

As you may have noticed, we just changed a few things in our site, includ­ing prepar­ing a more sol­id Resources sec­tion. Please take a look at the nav­i­ga­tion bar at the top. One of the new pages, that we will update often, is an expand­ed Books page. Here are the books that we are rec­om­mend­ing now. Fas­ci­nat­ing books on…

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MindFit Corporate and Freeze-Framer for Memory and Brain Fitness

Cog­ni­tive train­ing and stress man­age­ment, Mind­Fit and Freeze-Framer (or emWave): two com­ple­men­tary sides of Brain Fit­ness. Research shows that adults can and should take care of their brains, both for short-term and long-term ben­e­fits. Through brain exer­cise we can improve our over­all cog­ni­tive func­tion right now—making quick deci­sions, stay­ing calm and focused under pres­sure, and…

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Physical and Mental Exercise

There have been a num­ber of good posts recent­ly on the links between phys­i­cal exer­cise and brain exer­cise. The Brain Code blog post­ed a great sum­ma­ry of the key points: Exer­cise improves learn­ing through increased blood sup­ply and growth hor­mones Exer­cise is an anti-depres­sant by reduc­ing stress and pro­mot­ing neu­ro­ge­n­e­sis Exer­cise pro­tects the brain from…

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