Harnessing innovative neurotechnologies to provide better urgent care at Banner Health

_______________ For Ban­ner Health, one of the largest non-prof­it health sys­tem in the Unit­ed States, find­ing ways to make health care eas­i­er and bet­ter for our patients is at the root of every­thing we do. That’s why we are mak­ing sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments into the dig­i­tal health and neu­rotech space, try­ing to answer some com­mon pain…

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The FDA clears two computerized cognitive tests to assist in medical evaluations following brain injury or concussion

FDA allows mar­ket­ing of first-of-kind com­put­er­ized cog­ni­tive tests to help assess cog­ni­tive skills after a head injury (FDA news release): “The U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion today per­mit­ted mar­ket­ing of two new devices to assess a patient’s cog­ni­tive func­tion imme­di­ate­ly after a sus­pect­ed brain injury or con­cus­sion. The Imme­di­ate Post-Con­­cus­­sion Assess­ment and Cog­ni­tive Test­ing (ImPACT)…

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Neuroimaging studies: In soccer, over one thousand “headers” per year can lead to brain injury and cognitive impairment

. Study indi­cates there may be a head­ing thresh­old above which the risk for brain dam­age increas­es sig­nif­i­cant­ly: An Inter­view with Michael L. Lip­ton (Dana Foun­da­tion): “Dr. Lip­ton pio­neered the use of MRI tech­nol­o­gy to detect mild trau­mat­ic brain injuries (mTBI) from con­cus­sions. Such injuries, which may bring cog­ni­tive and behav­ioral impair­ment and even neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion later…

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Scientists issue a call to action for TBI patients to benefit from latest neuroscience findings

. Brain-injured patients need ther­a­pies based on cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science (U. Illi­nois press release): “Patients with trau­mat­ic brain injuries are not ben­e­fit­ing from recent advances in cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science research — and they should be, sci­en­tists report in a spe­cial issue of Cur­rent Opin­ion in Behav­ioral Sciences.

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Gabrielle Giffords’ recovery and Cognitive Rehab Insurance Coverage Gap

Gif­fords’ recov­ery renews focus on cov­er­age gap for vet­er­ans (Mia­mi Her­ald): — “Doc­tors and reha­bil­i­ta­tion spe­cial­ists have learned a great deal from the treat­ment of trau­mat­ic brain injuries in com­bat vet­er­ans of Iraq and Afghanistan. One in five vet­er­ans of those wars has suf­fered some form of trau­mat­ic brain injury, most com­mon­ly con­cus­sions from road­side bombs.”…

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