Five rituals to access InnSæi (Icelandic word for intuition, “the sea within”) and thrive in the fast-changing attention economy

The world we live in is com­plex, volatile, fast-chang­ing and non-lin­ear. Every­thing is inter­con­nect­ed in a sys­tem where a small change in one place can cause an unfore­see­able impact in anoth­er. Metaphor­i­cal­ly speak­ing, the world we live in is very much like the ocean. It is in con­stant motion, and the ever-chang­ing, unpre­dictable direc­tions of…

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Brain Fitness: Definition, Priorities, and Links to Neuroleadership and Human Capital

Yes­ter­day we had a fun ses­sion on Brain Fit­ness dur­ing the Neu­rolead­er­ship Sum­mit tak­ing place now in San Fran­cis­co, explor­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to enhance per­for­mance and health of lead­ers and work­forces by deploy­ing both old tools (like breath­ing and med­i­ta­tion) and new ones (such as biofeed­back and data­base-dri­ven per­son­al­ized brain train­ing solu­tions). Here are a couple…

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Change Your Environment, Change Yourself

(Edi­tor’s note: one of the most com­mon ene­mies of get­ting qual­i­ty cog­ni­tive exer­cise is being on “men­tal autopi­lot”. I recent­ly came across an excel­lent new book, titled The Dai­ly Trad­ing Coach: 101 Lessons for Becom­ing Your Own Trad­ing Psy­chol­o­gist, by trad­ing per­for­mance expert Dr. Brett Steen­barg­er, which explic­it­ly calls for address­ing the “men­tal autopi­lot” problem…

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Brainy Haikus for brain training

Thank you to every­one who has writ­ten so many fun haikus over the sum­mer (fol­low­ing the post Top 25 Brain and Mind Haikus. Yours?). These are the 10 I have enjoyed the most: (Also, Can you write a haiku describ­ing any­thing cross­ing your mind now? Remem­ber the sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need…

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