New book on neuroplasticity by Norman Doidge: The Brain’s Way of Healing

Rewired: Learn­ing to tame a noisy brain. (Or, how you can use the pow­er of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty) (The Globe and Mail): “His first book pop­u­lar­ized the idea that the brain is actu­al­ly a dynam­ic, adap­tive organ with incred­i­ble poten­tial to change. Now, Dr. Nor­man Doidge is shar­ing incred­i­ble sto­ries of recov­ery from the sci-fi-like fron­tier of energy-based…

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Resources for Brain Health Across the Lifespan

As promised in my pre­vi­ous post on Neu­ro­ge­n­e­sis and Brain Plas­tic­i­ty in Adult Brains, I will now list some inter­views, video, arti­cles, and books that go hand-in-hand with these fas­ci­nat­ing top­ics we are dis­cussing. Please com­ment below if you have favorite addi­tion­al resources! NEUROGENESIS MIT news – Picow­er researcher finds neu­ron growth in adult brain Society…

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