Never stop wondering” — Sharon Begley, science journalist, RIP

We are deeply sad­dened to hear that Sharon Beg­ley, one of the most exem­plary sci­ence jour­nal­ist of our times, died on Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 16th. She was always full of curios­i­ty, high stan­dards and excel­lent writ­ing about all things sci­ence, with a long­stand­ing inter­est in brain and mind research. May she rest in peace, and may her…

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The State of Mindfulness Science: 10 Key Research Findings to Encourage and Guide your Meditation Practice in 2018

___ Dur­ing the past two decades, more and more sci­en­tists have stud­ied mindfulness—a Bud­d­hist-inspired col­lec­tion of prac­tices aimed at help­ing us to cul­ti­vate moment-to-moment aware­ness of our­selves and our envi­ron­ment. Their ear­ly find­ings trig­gered an enor­mous amount of enthu­si­asm for med­i­ta­tion. Some­times, how­ev­er, jour­nal­ists and even sci­en­tists (who should know bet­ter) have over­stat­ed the physical…

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The Emotional Life of Your Brain: One Brain Does Not Fit All

When it comes to how peo­ple respond to what life throws at them, and how they can devel­op and nur­ture their capac­i­ty to feel joy, to form lov­ing rela­tion­ships, to with­stand set­backs, and in gen­er­al to lead a mean­ing­ful life, the pre­scrip­tion must be just as personalized. 

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