Brain Teaser: What shirt size you need now?

You have been invit­ed to a fundrais­ing gala and decide that this black-tie event demands an ele­gant white Ital­ian shirt — just like the one you got years ago for your wed­ding. When you find and brave­ly try the wed­ding shirt (size 16) on, you and your wife notice that the col­lar suf­fo­cates you —…

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Brain teaser to challenge your frontal lobes

Here is a fun brain teas­er from puz­zle mas­ter Wes Car­roll. Tip­ping the Scales Ques­tion: The top two scales in the image at the right are in per­fect bal­ance. How many dia­monds will be need­ed to bal­ance the bot­tom set? This puz­zle helps you work out your exec­u­tive func­tions –sup­port­ed in the frontal lobes— by using your…

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Hard brain teaser to challenge your pattern recognition

Here’s a quick but hard brain teas­er to chal­lenge your abil­i­ty to find a pat­tern. In the table below, each row across fol­lows the same pat­tern. See if you can dis­cern the pat­tern and fill in the miss­ing num­ber in the bot­tom row. For added chal­lenge, time how long it takes you to com­plete the puz­zle. Then, pass it…

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Must-read article: Solving the Brain Fitness Puzzle Is the Key to Self-Empowered Aging

. As the con­cept of brain fit­ness (or, the brain’s abil­ity to func­tion effi­ciently and effec­tively in per­sonal and pro­fes­sional life) goes main­stream, the pro­lif­er­a­tion of sci­en­tific find­ings, media reports, and com­mer­cial claims is gen­er­at­ing much noise and con­fu­sion. Know­ing what to believe and what to do presents a real-life puz­zle, lead­ing many peo­ple to 

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