Brain Fitness at New York Public Library, next week

Title: The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness — Prac­ti­cal Advice to Keep Your Brain Sharp  — Two com­­mu­ni­­ty-based book talks host­ed by New York Pub­lic Library and sup­port­ed by the Ein­stein Aging Study at Albert Ein­stein Col­lege of Med­i­cine. Descrip­tion: A fit brain? Can you exer­cise your brain and become men­tal­ly fit? Can you con­tin­ue to…

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Update: Retooling Use It or Lose It at New York Public Library

Here you have the Sep­tem­ber edi­tion of our month­ly newslet­ter cov­er­ing cog­ni­tive health and brain fit­ness top­ics. Please remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive this Newslet­ter by email, using the box at the top of this page. In the cur­rent edi­tion of The Jour­nal on Active Aging, I dis­cuss why we need to Retool “Use…

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Cognitive News November-December 2008

Here you have sev­er­al recent arti­cles and devel­op­ments wor­thy of atten­tion: 1) Boom times for brain train­ing games (CNN) 2) Nav­i­gat­ing the brain fit­ness land­scape: do’s and don’ts (McK­night’s Long Term Care News) 3) USA Hock­ey and Intel­li­gym (press release) 4) Brain Fit­ness at New York Pub­lic Library (NYPL blog) 5) McDon­nell Foun­da­tion grant har­ness­es cog­ni­tive science…

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Brain Fitness at New York Public Library

A few weeks ago I had the plea­sure to give a talk to one hun­dred or so staff mem­bers at New York Pub­lic Library. As you would expect, it was a very stim­u­lat­ing group, and one of the par­tic­i­pants, Brigid Caha­lan, just wrote a fun blog post on her impres­sions from the event: Brain Fit­ness at…

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