Reinventing depression treatment via transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS)

___ Stan­ford researchers devise treat­ment that relieved depres­sion in 90% of par­tic­i­pants in small study (press release): “A new form of mag­net­ic brain stim­u­la­tion rapid­ly relieved symp­toms of severe depres­sion in 90% of par­tic­i­pants in a small study con­duct­ed by researchers at the Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty School of Med­i­cine … In tran­scra­nial mag­net­ic stim­u­la­tion, elec­tric currents…

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Dr. Anna Wexler to discuss the Present and Future of DIY Brain Enhancement at the 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (December 5–7th)

_____ Proud to con­firm that Dr. Anna Wexler, a sci­ence writer, film­mak­er and post­doc fel­low in advanced bio­med­ical ethics at the Depart­ment of Med­ical Ethics & Health Pol­i­cy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia, will dis­cuss the Present and Future of DIY Brain Enhance­ment (espe­cial­ly brain stim­u­la­tion modal­i­ties such as tDCS) at the upcom­ing 2017 Sharp­Brains Virtual…

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Trend: From brain surgery towards non-invasive brain stimulation therapies

. BRAIN-STIMULATING HELMET MAY HELP PARKINSON’S PATIENTS (Pop­u­lar Sci­ence): “When Michelle Lane was inca­pac­i­tat­ed by Parkin­son’s dis­ease, her best option was brain surgery. Elec­tri­cal leads were sur­gi­cal­ly implant­ed into her skull, and a pace­­mak­er-like device installed to deliv­er elec­tri­cal sig­nals to the move­ment region of the brain. Now

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Non-invasive brain stimulation meets nanotechnology

. MIT Researchers Devel­op Wire­less, Non­in­va­sive Deep Brain Stim­u­la­tion Approach (Med Device online): “Sci­en­tists have intro­duced a nov­el method of admin­is­ter­ing brain stim­u­la­tion that requires no implants or exter­nal con­nec­tions. By inject­ing mag­net­ic nanopar­ti­cles into the brain, researchers have found that they can manip­u­late neu­rons by apply­ing exter­nal mag­net­ic fields

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Cognitive enhancement in the future: electric brain stimulation plus cognitive training?

Elec­tri­cal Brain Stim­u­la­tion Helps Peo­ple Learn Math Faster (Wired): “…sci­en­tists stim­u­lat­ed vol­un­teers’ brains with mild elec­tric cur­rent while they learned new arith­metic oper­a­tions based on made-up sym­bols. Peo­ple who received brain stim­u­la­tion dur­ing train­ing ses­sions on five con­sec­u­tive days learned two to five times faster than those who received sham stim­u­la­tion, and they retained a…

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