Play sports (smartly) for a quieter brain and better auditory processing

___ Ath­letes Have Qui­eter Brains, New Research Shows (Sci News): “No one would argue against the fact that sports lead to bet­ter phys­i­cal­ly fit­ness, but we don’t always think of brain fit­ness and sports,” said Pro­fes­sor Nina Kraus, direc­tor of the Audi­to­ry Neu­ro­science Lab­o­ra­to­ry at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty. “We’re say­ing that play­ing sports can tune the brain…

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Understand your connectome, understand yourself

—– NO ROAD, NO trail can pen­e­trate this for­est. The long and del­i­cate branch­es of its trees lie every­where, chok­ing space with their exu­ber­ant growth. No sun­beam can fly a path tor­tu­ous enough to nav­i­gate the nar­row spaces between these entan­gled branch­es. All the trees of this dark for­est grew from 100 bil­lion seeds planted…

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To Be (Your Connectome), or Not to Be (Your Genome)

The brain’s bil­lions of neu­rons resem­ble trees of many species and come in many fan­tas­tic shapes. Only the most deter­mined explor­ers can hope to cap­ture a glimpse of this forest’s inte­ri­or, and even they see lit­tle, and see it poor­ly. Would your con­nec­tome reveal any­thing inter­est­ing about you? Learn about con­nec­tome from this book.

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Neuroscience Core Concepts: What is “It” in Use It or Lose It?

We all have heard “Use It or Lose It”. Now, what is “It”? how does “it” work? why is “it” our best (and too often unrec­og­nized) friend? The Soci­ety for Neu­ro­science (SfN) has just released a user-friend­­ly pub­li­ca­tion titled Neu­ro­science Core Con­cepts, aimed at help­ing edu­ca­tors and the gen­er­al pub­lic learn more about the brain. Description:…

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