Growing research shows how two of the major cancer treatments, radiation and chemotherapy, can lead to long-term cognitive impairment

Mind jum­ble: Under­stand­ing chemo brain (Stan­ford Med­i­cine): Sarah Liu was treat­ed for leukemia as a teenag­er. She attend­ed her high school grad­u­a­tion on a four-hour pass from Lucile Packard Children’s Hos­pi­tal Stan­ford and was bald under her white grad­u­a­tion cap, her arm ban­daged where she’d been receiv­ing chemother­a­py drugs. Liu sur­vived can­cer and the ordeal of…

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Invest in Brain Health to Drive Innovation and Prosperity

In an increas­ing­ly knowl­­edge-based and inno­­va­­tion-dri­ven econ­o­my, human brains—not finan­cial capital—are becom­ing the pri­ma­ry dri­vers of busi­ness suc­cess. Engaged, cre­ative cit­i­zens and work­ers mean the dif­fer­ence between suc­cess and fail­ure at the orga­ni­za­tion­al and soci­etal lev­els. Look­ing at the prob­lem from the per­spec­tive of brain health, there are 

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11 Hours of Meditation Can Enhance Brain Connectivity, Functioning

IBMT linked with pos­i­tive struc­tur­al changes in brain con­nec­tiv­i­ty (News Med­ical): — “A Texas Tech Uni­ver­si­ty sci­en­tist study­ing the Chi­nese mind­ful­ness med­i­ta­tion known as inte­gra­tive body-mind train­ing (IBMT) said he and oth­er researchers have con­firmed and expand­ed on changes in struc­tur­al effi­cien­cy of white mat­ter in the brain that can be relat­ed to pos­i­tive behavioral…

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