Large study finds that placebo works as well as vitamin D supplements to prevent depression and improve mood

Large Study Con­firms Vit­a­min D Does Not Reduce Risk of Depres­sion in Adults (Mass Gen­er­al press release): Vit­a­min D sup­ple­men­ta­tion does not pro­tect against depres­sion in mid­­dle-age or old­er adult­hood accord­ing results from one of the largest ever stud­ies of its kind … “There was no sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fit from the sup­ple­ment for this pur­pose. It…

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Maker of “neuro” functional drinks settles false advertising complaint

Fol­low­ing Civ­il Com­plaint, Neu­ro to Update Labels and Change Mar­ket­ing Prac­tices (BevNet): “Neu­ro­brands LLC, the mak­er of Neu­ro drinks, has agreed to set­tle a civ­il com­plaint alleg­ing the com­pa­ny engaged in false adver­tis­ing and vio­lat­ed fed­er­al food safe­ty laws and reg­u­la­tions. The com­plaint was filed by the city of San­ta Monica

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Harnessing virtual reality to practice meditation?

. Med­i­tat­ing in vir­tu­al real­i­ty (Penin­su­la Press): “Imag­ine you are on a beach in Bali prac­tic­ing yoga at dawn, watch­ing the sun rise beyond the lagoon. The image is so vivid that you almost for­get you are actu­al­ly sit­ting in an office in San Fran­cis­co, wear­ing a vir­tu­al real­i­ty (VR) headset.

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Daniel Ferguson: Big Data opens a world of opportunity in health, psychology, neuroscience

Daniel Ferguson

Please tell us about your inter­est in applied brain sci­ence. What areas are you most inter­est­ed in?  I am most­ly intrigued by brain train­ing and behav­ioral response using neuro/biofeedback and augmented/virtual real­i­ty. What is one impor­tant thing you are work­ing on now, and where can peo­ple learn more about it?  We are work­ing on ways to leverage…

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