Six favorite books of 2023 to help harness the stress response and boost curiosity, wonder, and brain health at work,

It’s hard to address impor­tant issues in our lives or in soci­ety if we are stressed, deplet­ed, and iso­lat­ed. Per­haps that’s why many of 2023’s favorite books offer approach­es for real self-care. They focus on how to man­age stress, find more hap­pi­ness in life, seek won­der and inspi­ra­tion, appre­ci­ate art, under­stand our per­son­al strengths, or…

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On Awe, Wonder, Biofeedback, CBSM, Virtual Reality, Privacy, Being Wrong, and more

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, this time fea­tur­ing eleven time­ly resources and research find­ings for life­long brain health and men­tal well-being. #1. “Awe is the feel­ing we expe­ri­ence when encoun­ter­ing vast things that we don’t under­stand. Around the world and in cul­tur­al­ly vary­ing ways, stud­ies show, we expe­ri­ence awe in response to…

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Meta-analysis finds value in teaching the science of neuroplasticity, especially for math achievement among at-risk students

___ The ‘Brain’ in Growth Mind­set: Does Teach­ing Stu­dents Neu­ro­science Help? (Edu­ca­tion Week): “Teach­ing stu­dents the sci­ence of how their brains change over time can help them see intel­li­gence as some­thing they can devel­op, rather than innate and unchange­able, finds a new analy­sis of 10 sep­a­rate stud­ies online in the jour­nal Trends in Neu­ro­science and Education.…

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We need to understand what stimuli and interventions can result in healthy fetus/ baby development” — Eduardo Briceño, CEO of Mindset Works

Ques­tion: Eduar­do, please share 1–2 major brain health needs you observe right now whose solu­tion demands a cre­ative and sig­nif­i­cant tech-enabled inno­va­tion. Answer: We need to under­stand what stim­uli and inter­ven­tions can result in healthy fetus/ baby devel­op­ment, reduc­ing the per­cent­age of chil­dren devel­op­ing sig­nif­i­cant brain defi­cien­cies and pro­vid­ing means for preg­nant women, par­ents, and…

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Brain fitness is not about crossword puzzles and blueberries

Top 15 Insights About Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, Emo­tions and Life­long Learn­ing (The Huff­in­g­ton Post): “A con­se­quence of the brain’s plas­tic­i­ty is that the brain may change with every expe­ri­ence, thought and emo­tion, from which it fol­lows that you your­self have the poten­tial pow­er to change your brain with every­thing that you do, think, and feel. So brain fit­ness and…

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