Everyone a Changemaker”, Ashoka and Google

What an event yes­ter­day night. My wife and I were for­tu­nate to vis­it the Google Cam­pus and attend the Sixth Annu­al North Amer­i­can Fel­low­ship Induc­tion Pro­gram of Ashoka: Inno­va­tors for the Pub­lic, a social ven­ture fund where we have been involved for a num­ber of years, and thanks to which (thanks Michele!) my wife and…

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Microfinance, and a very sharp brain

We would like to join oth­er blog­gers in con­grat­u­lat­ing Muham­mad Yunus for hav­ing been award­ed the Nobel Peace Price. The gen­e­sis of micro­fi­nance, in Pro­fes­sor Yunus’ own words. Not often can we find per­son­i­fied exam­ples of what we write about. For 3 out of the last 4 entries in this blog, I can not think…

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Brain and Mind Fitness Programs: resiliency, on top of attention, memory…

Today: 6.30pm: I leave the office, down­town San Fran­cis­co, and take the train. 6.44pm: just before arriv­ing in my sta­tion, I remem­ber I have an appoint­ment with my hair­dress­er, which means I have to walk in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion than usu­al. 6.48pm: I find myself walk­ing towards my house, oppo­site direc­tion from my hair­dress­er. You may have…

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On being positive

One day after 9/11, I would like to depart a bit from the pri­ma­ry focus of this blog and add some per­son­al reflec­tions onBe­ing Pos­i­tive and on Appre­ci­a­tion, which is what we prob­a­bly need to sur­vive in these times. I remem­ber a few years ago when, over brunch, my good friend Rohit pro­posed that Happiness =…

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