On the value and the limits of cognitive screening, as seen in President Trump’s examination

In the News: Why you may be mis­un­der­stand­ing the men­tal test that Trump passed with fly­ing col­ors (The Wash­ing­ton Post): “On its sur­face, the Mon­tre­al Cog­ni­tive Assess­ment (MoCA) test seems pret­ty easy. Can you draw a three-dimen­­sion­al cube? Can you iden­ti­fy these var­i­ous ani­mals? Can you draw a clock? Can you repeat back the phrase, “The cat…

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Attention: Why do SuperAgers Maintain Memory and a Thick Cortex?

Are brain aging and cog­ni­tive decline ineluctable? Maybe not. Grow­ing research is help­ing iden­ti­fy “Super­Agers” whose brains at 80+ appear as young as the brains of peo­ple in their 50s. What the lat­est Super­Agers study found In a recent paper, researchers defined Super­Agers as peo­ple over 80 whose mem­o­ry per­for­mance was at least as good as aver­age 50- to…

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Update: Innovation to Upgrade Brain Care

Here you have the July edi­tion of our month­ly eNewslet ter cov­er­ing cog­ni­tive health and brain fit­ness top­ics. Please remem ber that you can sub­scribe to receive this free Brain Fit­ness eNewslet­ter by email, using the box in the right col­umn. Tech­nol­o­gy to upgrade brain care: In this exten­sive inter­view, Dr. John Docher­ty helps con­nect the…

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