Funding for digital health start-ups, especially in mental health, fall substantially in Q1’22

Glob­al dig­i­tal health fund­ing falls 36% with few­er megarounds, IPOs (Fierce Health­care): After two years of record-break­ing invest­ment in dig­i­tal health, cap­i­tal flow into the sec­tor took a dive in the first quar­ter of 2022. The glob­al dig­i­tal health mar­ket saw fund­ing decrease 36% from the fourth quar­ter of 2021, total­ing $10.4 bil­lion, as investors reacted…

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News: Advanced Brain Monitoring receives Global Health and Pharma Award for clinical-grade platforms monitoring brain’s electrical activity

— Advanced Brain Mon­i­tor­ing Named “Most Inno­v­a­tive Med­ical Device Com­pa­ny” at Glob­al Health and Phar­ma Awards (Sleep Review): “Advanced Brain Mon­i­tor­ing Inc was named the “Most Inno­v­a­tive Med­ical Device Com­pa­ny” by Glob­al Health and Phar­ma at its 2016 Health­care and Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal awards. “This award rec­og­nizes our company’s suc­cess­es in devel­op­ing tech­nolo­gies which enable clin­i­cians and…

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Under new CEO, Lumosity to expand brain training platform with focus on applied skills and broader social, wellness factors

Lumosity’s Stum­ble Reveals How We Think About Think­ing (Buz­zFeed News): “The ads were per­va­sive, pop­ping up on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and Google search­es. And they were per­sua­sive: Play­ing Lumos­i­ty games would do your brain good…But these claims sound­ed a lit­tle too rosy to the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion, which 

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Lessons learned in bringing innovative brain fitness solutions to market

Lessons learned in bring­ing inno­v­a­tive brain fit­ness solu­tions to mar­ket from Sharp­Brains Suc­cess­ful inno­va­tors dis­sected key mar­ket & tech­nol­ogy trends and mod­els to val­i­date and com­mer­cial­ize inno­va­tion, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on how to cre­ate a loy­al user base and gain main­stream dis­tri­b­u­tion via a diver­sity of channels.

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The billion dollar question: Under what conditions can brain training result in real-world benefits?

. Does any­one care if “brain games” actu­al­ly work? (For­tune): “The cog­ni­tive fit­ness mar­ket — loose­ly defined as non-inva­­sive neu­rotech­nolo­gies that mon­i­tor or enhance cog­ni­tion — is booming…The “brain game” indus­try is already a bil­lion dol­lar mar­ket, and will reach the $6 bil­lion mark with­in the next five years says Sharp­Brains, a neu­ro-well­­ness mar­ket research…

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