Nominate your favorite teacher for the Global Teacher Prize 2020

_______________ Noth­ing we have ever done to enhance the human con­di­tion com­pares to the pow­er of uni­ver­sal school­ing. It’s an hon­or to help rec­og­nize some of the teach­ers who make it all pos­si­ble with their inspi­ra­tion, moti­va­tion and ded­i­ca­tion. Please nom­i­nate your favorite teacher for the Glob­al Teacher Prize 2020. Rec­og­nize a teacher who has…

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Why we need to extend our mental lifespans to match our physical ones

_________ ‘Beep!’ This is one of the most mad­den­ing com­put­er games I’ve ever played. I’m track­ing a flock of birds, and when I hit the right one, it explodes with a sat­is­fy­ing ‘phutt’. But as I get bet­ter at spot­ting them, the birds scat­ter ever more wild­ly across the screen, and I hear that unforgiving…

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Meta-analysis finds value in teaching the science of neuroplasticity, especially for math achievement among at-risk students

___ The ‘Brain’ in Growth Mind­set: Does Teach­ing Stu­dents Neu­ro­science Help? (Edu­ca­tion Week): “Teach­ing stu­dents the sci­ence of how their brains change over time can help them see intel­li­gence as some­thing they can devel­op, rather than innate and unchange­able, finds a new analy­sis of 10 sep­a­rate stud­ies online in the jour­nal Trends in Neu­ro­science and Education.…

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New book highlights continued brain development throughout adolescence, even into our 20s

_____ Neu­ro­sci­en­tist Probes Myths About the Teenage Brain (Edu­ca­tion Week): “We often think ear­ly child­hood is this dra­mat­ic win­dow of learn­ing and devel­op­ment in the brain, and you’re high­light­ing ado­les­cence as a dif­fer­ent kind of win­dow. Can you talk a lit­tle bit about that? I was told when I was an under­grad­u­ate that the human brain pretty…

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Study suggests canola oil is not as beneficial as advertised; sustained use may cause memory problems and brain damage

Canola oil could cause weight gain and mem­o­ry loss (Los Ange­les Times): “Accord­ing to a recent study con­duct­ed on mice, just two table­spoons of canola oil per day can cause weight gain and severe pro­gres­sion of Alzheimer’s dis­ease. The new results are call­ing into ques­tion pre­vi­ous rec­om­men­da­tions of canola oil as a health­ful alter­na­tive to sat­u­rat­ed fats.…

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Enhancing brains the tried-and-true way: 50 Finalists shortlisted for the $1M Global Teacher Prize

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Top 50 2018 Final­ists! Now in its fourth year, the US $1 mil­lion Glob­al Teacher Prize award is the largest prize of its kind, and was set up to rec­og­nize one excep­tion­al teacher who has made an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to the pro­fes­sion as well as to shine a spot­light on the impor­tant role…

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