Six favorite books of 2023 to help harness the stress response and boost curiosity, wonder, and brain health at work,

It’s hard to address impor­tant issues in our lives or in soci­ety if we are stressed, deplet­ed, and iso­lat­ed. Per­haps that’s why many of 2023’s favorite books offer approach­es for real self-care. They focus on how to man­age stress, find more hap­pi­ness in life, seek won­der and inspi­ra­tion, appre­ci­ate art, under­stand our per­son­al strengths, or…

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Dance training: The ultimate way to delay brain decline by combining physical, cognitive, and social engagement

Study: Danc­ing may off­set some effects of aging in the brain (CSU release): “A new study led by a Col­orado State Uni­ver­si­ty researcher shows that kick­ing up your heels can actu­al­ly be good for your nog­gin. The research team demon­strat­ed for the first time that decline in the brain’s “white mat­ter” can be detect­ed over…

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Study debunks 4 common myths about brain training and lifelong cognitive enhancement

— If the media is your main source of infor­ma­tion about brain train­ing and cog­ni­tive enhance­ment, you will prob­a­bly believe the fol­low­ing: 1) All brain train­ing is the same… 2) …and it sim­ply does­n’t work. 3) Com­mer­cial brain train­ing pro­grams, espe­cial­ly, don’t work. 4) How could they work? Genet­ics is des­tiny, aging is a pre­de­ter­mined process…so by age 60…

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Will Medicare’s Annual Wellness Visit enhance physical & cognitive health? Probably — if people go

The annu­al well­ness vis­it: An oppor­tu­ni­ty to improve rev­enue and patient care (Phys­BizTech): “Medicare recent­ly intro­duced the Annu­al Well­ness Vis­it (AWV) to keep Medicare ben­e­fi­cia­ries healthy, or help Medicare ben­e­fi­cia­ries become health­i­er, by pro­mot­ing pos­i­tive health habits and a healthy lifestyle. Unlike 

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