Veterans Affairs won’t cover Biogen’s new “Alzheimer’s drug” given concerns over safety and lack of evidence

VA Health Sys­tem Won’t Cov­er Biogen’s Alzheimer’s Drug (The Wall Street Jour­nal): The Depart­ment of Vet­er­ans Affairs won’t cov­er Bio­gen Inc.’s new Alzheimer’s drug, the lat­est rebuke of the con­tro­ver­sial treat­ment since it was approved ear­li­er this sum­mer. The VA decid­ed not add the drug, called Aduhelm, to its for­mu­la­ry list of avail­able med­i­cines because…

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Alzheimer’s Disease: is our Healthcare System Ready?

In the midst of much health­care reform talk, not enough atten­tion seems focused on ensur­ing health­care sys­tems’ pre­pared­ness to deal with cog­ni­tive health issues ‑with Alzheimer’s Dis­ease as the most dra­mat­ic exam­­­ple- which are pre­dict­ed to grow giv­en aging pop­u­la­tion trends. Today is World Alzheimer’s Day, and the USA Today com­ments on a new report…

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Reminder: ASA Brain Health Day in Oakland, CA

We have two excel­lent new speak­ers, Anne Hin­ton and Steve DeMel­lo, to add to the excel­lent ros­ter dur­ing the ASA Brain Health Day to take place on Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 11th, 2009, at the Oak­land Mar­riott City Cen­ter. Anne Hin­ton is Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the San Fran­cis­co Depart­ment of Aging and Adult Ser­vices. In this capacity…

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