Brainy Haikus for brain training

Thank you to every­one who has writ­ten so many fun haikus over the sum­mer (fol­low­ing the post Top 25 Brain and Mind Haikus. Yours?). These are the 10 I have enjoyed the most: (Also, Can you write a haiku describ­ing any­thing cross­ing your mind now? Remem­ber the sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need…

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#15. Top fun and brainy Haikus. Yours?

Read­ers have con­tributed a good num­ber of haikus on brain-relat­ed top­ics. Below you have our favorite ones. Our favorite fun and brainy Haikus — Techne, the philoso­pher, won­ders: Solve the big ques­tions: How do I know when I know? Who knows the know­er? — Steve, the envi­ron­men­tal­ist, requests: Neu­ro­plas­tic good. Plas­tic, though lasts for­ev­er. Always recycle!

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Brain Fitness Update: Use It and Improve It

Here you are have the bi-mon­th­­ly update with our 10 most Pop­u­lar blog posts. (Also, remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive our RSS feed, or to our newslet­ter, at the top of this page, if you want to receive this digest by email). In this edi­tion of our newslet­ter we bring a few arti­cles and…

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Your Haiku, Please?

We con­clud­ed our Top 50 Brain Teasers post with the chal­lenge:  #50. Can you write a haiku describ­ing your expe­ri­ence doing some of the pre­vi­ous teasers? The sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5,7, and 5 syl­la­bles. There were a num­ber of great and fun takers…you can enjoy their haikus…

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Your Haiku, please?

In our Top 50 Brain Teasers post, we con­clud­ed with the chal­lenge: #50. Can you write a haiku describ­ing your expe­ri­ence doing some of the pre­vi­ous teasers? The sim­ple rules: write 3 lines, which don’t need to rhyme, con­tain­ing 5,7, and 5 syl­la­bles. You can leave your haiku as a com­ment for extra points… There…

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