Trend: Increased access to cognitive screenings in primary care settings serving older adults

Nov­el Ini­tia­tive Ups Cog­ni­tive Screen­ing in Geri­atric Patients (Med­scape): “A res­i­­dent-run ini­tia­tive in a geri­atric clin­ic clear­ly shows that when screen­ing for cog­ni­tive impair­ment becomes a pri­or­i­ty, to screen all patients opens the door toward time­ly inter­ven­tion and opti­mized out­comes in this high-risk population

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Centre for Brain Fitness at Baycrest: Interview with Dr. William Reichman

In April 2008, Bay­crest, a lead­ing research insti­tute focused on aging and brain func­tion, received $10-mil­lion from the Ontario Gov­ern­ment to cre­ate a ground­break­ing Cen­tre for Brain Fit­ness. Its stat­ed goal was to “devel­op and com­mer­cial­ize a range of prod­ucts designed to improve the brain health of aging Ontar­i­ans and oth­ers around the world”. “Our government…

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Cognitive Health and Baby Boomers: 6 Points to Keep in Mind

Very inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of recent news…let’s con­nect some dots 1) Great arti­cle titled Boom time for retirees (Finan­cial Times) — “By 2015, boomers will have a net worth of some $26,000bn (£12,750bn, ¬17,670bn)  equiv­a­lent to a year’s gross domes­tic prod­uct for the US and euro­zone com­bined. They will con­trol a larg­er pro­por­tion of wealth, income and consumption…

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Growing Super Athletes (each of our students)

(Thanks for the lead, Tom!) David Brooks writes a great col­umn (requires sub­scrip­tion) in the NYT titled A Cri­tique of Pure Rea­son. He expands the usu­al restrict­ed under­stand­ing of “edu­ca­tion” to incor­po­rate a wider sense of “learn­ing”, by dis­cussing 1. Where “The cre­ative ones (politi­cians) will final­ly absorb the truth found in decades of research:…

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