FDA clears deep transcranial magnetic stimulation device to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder

Brain­sWay’s Brain Stim­u­la­tion Device Receives FDA Approval to Treat Obses­­sive-Com­pul­­sive Dis­or­der (IEEE Spec­trum): “In 2013, Jerusalem-based Brain­sWay began mar­ket­ing a new type of brain stim­u­la­tion device that uses mag­net­ic puls­es to treat major depres­sive dis­or­der. Now, thanks to pos­i­tive results in a study of 100 patients, the com­pa­ny has received approval from the U.S. Food…

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DARPA paving the way for a future brain-based Internet

___ DARPA Wants Brain Inter­faces for Able-Bod­ied Warfight­ers (IEEE Spec­trum): “Until now, the neu­ro­science pro­grams at DARPA, the mad sci­ence wing of the Depart­ment of Defense, have focused on tech­nolo­gies for warfight­ers who have returned home with dis­abil­i­ties of the body or brain. For exam­ple, pro­grams have fund­ed research on pros­thet­ic limbs that are wired…

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DARPA invests in nonsurgical neurotechnologies for eventual use in healthy human subjects

___ Non­sur­gi­cal Neur­al Inter­faces Could Sig­nif­i­cant­ly Expand Use of Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy (DARPA News): “Over the past two decades, the inter­na­tion­al bio­med­ical research com­mu­ni­ty has demon­strat­ed increas­ing­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed ways to allow a per­son­’s brain to com­mu­ni­cate with a device, allow­ing break­throughs aimed at improv­ing qual­i­ty of life, such as access to com­put­ers and the inter­net, and more…

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Australian neurotech firm raises $4m to develop neurofeedback-based headband aimed at helping kids with autism relax and better engage

  Neu­rotech rais­es $4m for med­ical device (Busi­ness News West­ern Aus­tralia): “Med­ical tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny Neu­rotech Inter­na­tion­al has tapped investors for $4m to fund fur­ther devel­op­ment of its Mente Autism device…which uses neu­ro­feed­back tech­nol­o­gy to help chil­dren with autism spec­trum disorder.”

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Debate: In the field of neurostimulation, what comes first, Published Research or Patents?

The Brain-Zap­ping Olympians (The Ringer): “Gain­ing jacked-up phys­i­cal pow­ers from frontal-lobe-elec­tri­­fy­ing head­gear sounds like a half-baked super­hero ori­gin sto­ry. It’s also a premise that ath­letes are buy­ing as real­i­ty. NBA play­ers and Olympians are wear­ing a brain-stim­u­la­­tion device called Halo Sport in an attempt to trans­form into champions.

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Trend: Taking health (and brain health) care “beyond the pill”

. How Device Mak­ers Can Take Health­care “Beyond the Pill” (Med­ical Device and Diag­nos­tic Indus­try): “One thing is clear: Pharma’s com­mit­ment to “beyond the pill” has nev­er been so appar­ent. Each and every phar­ma com­pa­ny seems to have formed a divi­sion or a strate­gic team to explore new ser­vices around patient com­pli­ance, pop­u­la­tion health data…

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