News you can use: To improve memory, exercise brain and body at the same time

___ Time for Sharp­Brains’ eNewslet­ter  track­ing the lat­est think­ing, research and tools for brain health. This month we fea­ture five fas­ci­nat­ing inter­views at the fron­tier of applied neu­ro­science and a recent study sug­gest­ing that “Per­form­ing mem­o­ry train­ing exer­cis­es at the same time as ped­al­ing a sta­tion­ary bike led to bet­ter gains in mem­o­ry than doing…

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Managing brains, not bodies, in the knowledge economy

This Out­dat­ed Approach To Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Is Bad For Your Brain (Fast Com­pa­ny): “Your car has parts that per­form spe­cif­ic tasks. The radi­a­tor cools the engine. The spark plugs ignite the gas. The intake man­i­fold dis­trib­utes air and gas even­ly to the cylin­ders. We think of a car this way because a car is a machine.…

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Update: Dementia rates in the UK significantly lower than forecasted, highlighting the protective role of lifestyle and education

    Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ eNewslet­ter, full of fas­ci­nat­ing brain stud­ies and emerg­ing think­ing and tools for life­long men­tal health and per­for­mance. Hap­py read­ing! New research: Demen­tia rates in the UK sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er than forecasted–especially for men–highlighting the pro­tec­tive role of lifestyle and edu­ca­tion Sys­tem­at­ic evi­dence review finds cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­a­py as effective…

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