Can We Pick Your Brain re. Cognitive Assessments?

If you could, you would. You can, but pre­fer not to know it? More than any oth­er organ, your brain is up to you. You are what you think, not just what you eat. Here’s some food for thought: Design your Mind Set­ting cog­ni­tive and behav­ioral goals rais­es chal­leng­ing and wor­thy ques­tions: What do you want from…

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Brain and Cognition Expert Contributors

As you have prob­a­bly noticed, a grow­ing num­ber of Expert Con­trib­u­tors are writ­ing in our blog, so that we can col­lec­tive­ly dis­cuss the lat­est research and trends on cog­ni­tive and brain health, and the impli­ca­tions of brain research in gen­er­al for our every­day lives.  If you haven’t done so already, make sure to sub­scribe to our…

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Looking inside the Brain: is my Brain Fit?

Today we have the plea­sure to have Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon, one of our new Expert Con­trib­u­tors, write her first arti­cle here. Enjoy, and please com­ment so we hear your thoughts and engage in a nice con­ver­sa­tion. (Btw, if you notice some sim­i­lar­i­ty between the col­ors in the fMRI scan below and the look & feel…

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Learning & The Brain: Interview with Robert Sylwester

Dr. Robert Syl­west­er is an edu­ca­tor of edu­ca­tors, hav­ing received mul­ti­ple awards dur­ing his long career as a mas­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tor of the impli­ca­tions of brain sci­ence research for edu­ca­tion and learn­ing. He is the author of sev­er­al books and many jour­nal arti­cles, and mem­ber of our Sci­en­tif­ic Advi­so­ry Board. His most recent book is The…

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