Best books on brain health and cognitive fitness according to ChatSpot and ChatGPT

Out of curios­i­ty we queried a cou­ple pop­u­lar AI chat­bots, ChatSpot and Chat­G­PT free ver­sions, about the best books in a cou­ple of key top­ics we dis­cuss a lot in this blog. Here are the fas­ci­nat­ing results, and some brief com­men­tary at the end. (Links open cor­re­spond­ing Ama­zon book pages.) Best books on brain health, per…

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Brain Plasticity, Health and Fitness Books

As you may have noticed, we just changed a few things in our site, includ­ing prepar­ing a more sol­id Resources sec­tion. Please take a look at the nav­i­ga­tion bar at the top. One of the new pages, that we will update often, is an expand­ed Books page. Here are the books that we are rec­om­mend­ing now. Fas­ci­nat­ing books on…

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Brain Fitness and Exercise in Japan

Fun arti­cle in the Wash­ing­ton Post: Aging Japan­ese Keep Their Minds Mov­ing “part of a broad range of men­tal acu­ity prod­ucts that are all the rage in Japan: books, toys, food and oth­er things, sold with the pledge that they can reen­er­gize aging brains.” “Ana­lysts said the cur­rent brain-train­ing trend began in 2004 and 2005…

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