Therapy or antidepressants? Coming soon: Brain activity “fingerprints” to personalize depression treatments

. To Treat Depres­sion, Drugs or Ther­a­py? (The New York Times): “Until recent­ly, many experts thought that your clin­i­cian could lit­er­al­ly pick any anti­de­pres­sant or type of psy­chother­a­py at ran­dom because, with a few clin­i­cal excep­tions, there was lit­tle evi­dence to favor one treat­ment over anoth­er for a giv­en patient

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Questioning brain health status quo in depression and Alzheimer’s

Two good recent pieces in The New York Times bring to the fore­front the need to ques­tion sta­tus quo mind­set and prac­tices about how to mea­sure and enhance brain health. Sleep Ther­a­py Seen as an Aid for Depres­sion “Cur­ing insom­nia in peo­ple with depres­sion could dou­ble their chance of a full recov­ery, sci­en­tists are reporting.…

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