Study shows promising results of EEG-based brain training in helping adults with ADHD

Man­ag­ing atten­tion deficit dis­or­der by train­ing the brain (Sci­enceDai­ly): Atten­tion Deficit Hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty Dis­or­der (ADHD) affects about 7% of chil­dren, with a two out of three chance of per­sist­ing into adult­hood. This neu­rode­vel­op­men­tal dis­or­der is char­ac­terised by con­cen­tra­tion dif­fi­cul­ties, increased dis­tractibil­i­ty, impul­siv­i­ty and hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty. Today, ADHD is treat­ed with phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal drugs that may have unwant­ed side…

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Epigenetics research opens potential door to prevent neurodevelopmental disorders

___ Epi­ge­net­ic Changes Guide Devel­op­ment of Dif­fer­ent Brain Regions (Dana Foun­da­tion): “It’s one of the great­est stand­ing mys­ter­ies in neu­ro­science: Giv­en that each cell in the human body con­tains the same DNA, how, exact­ly, does the brain devel­op into dis­tinct func­tion­al regions, sup­port­ed by dif­fer­ent cell types? And how might that devel­op­men­tal pro­gram go awry,…

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Next: Brain scans to identify children at high risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) before symptoms appear

______________________________ MS risk in chil­dren spot­ted with MRI brain scans (Yale News): “By the time mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis (MS) is diag­nosed in chil­dren, it may be dif­fi­cult to pre­vent the dis­abil­i­ties and relaps­es that come with the dis­ease. In a new Yale School of Med­i­cine study, researchers exam­ined MRI brain scans to iden­ti­fy chil­dren at high risk…

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Witnessing an explosion of consumer-facing neurotechnologies to (potentially) harness lifelong neuroplasticity

— Last week I shared some key sci­en­tif­ic, tech­no­log­i­cal and invest­ment trends rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing Brain Health, based on my par­tic­i­pa­tion at the 2016 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit, and promised a sec­ond arti­cle more focused on the tech­nol­o­gy side of things. Here it is :-) Just a few weeks after the Sharp­Brains Sum­mit I also attend­ed CES 2017. While I enjoyed the myr­i­ad emerging…

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Systematic evidence review finds cognitive behavioral therapy as effective as antidepressant medicines in treating depression

Depres­sion: Treat­ment Beyond Med­ica­tion (The Dana Foun­da­tion): “Major depres­sive dis­or­der affects near­ly 7 per­cent of peo­ple in the US aged 18 and up, accord­ing to the Depres­sion and Bipo­lar Sup­port Alliance. Those who seek treat­ment will most like­ly be pre­scribed a sec­ond-gen­er­a­­tion anti­de­pres­sant med­ica­tion such as a selec­tive sero­tonin reup­take inhibitor (SSRI), tri­cyclic anti­de­pres­sant (TCA),…

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