Update: New Research, Resources, and Teasers for All

Every­one these days is talk­ing about edu­ca­tion and test­ing reform, but why is rel­e­vant brain research often ignored? Which organ if not the brain does the learn­ing and teach­ing part? Renowned edu­ca­tor and brain expert Dr. Robert Syl­west­er shares his rec­om­mend­ed Top Brain Books for Edu­ca­tors and Learn­ers to help inform the con­ver­sa­tion. A must read! Save the…

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Top 10 Q&A about Child’s Brain Development — Brain Health Series Part 1

A child’s brain is a per­fect exam­ple of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty: As the child learns basic and com­plex skills, his or her brain changes, con­nec­tions between neu­rons are strength­ened or elim­i­nat­ed. Here are 10 top ques­tions and answers to explore the devel­op­ing brain and get a bet­ter win­dow on young minds. Fol­low­ing the Q&A find relat­ed relevant…

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