Tough brain teasers, with answers, courtesy of NSA employees

—– Accord­ing to NSA’s Puz­zle Peri­od­i­cal, “Intel­li­gence. It’s the abil­i­ty to think abstract­ly. Chal­lenge the unknown. Solve the impos­si­ble. NSA employ­ees work on some of the world’s most demand­ing and exhil­a­rat­ing high-tech engi­neer­ing chal­lenges. Apply­ing com­plex algo­rithms and express­ing dif­fi­cult cryp­to­graph­ic prob­lems in terms of math­e­mat­ics is part of the work NSA employ­ees do every day.”…

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Brain Teasers and Games, for Kids and Adults

In case you missed them, here you have a few recent brain teasers and games. t is always good to stim­u­late our minds and to learn a bit about how our brains work. Novem­ber 2011: Math Brain Teas­er: Unfin­ished The­sis Octo­ber 2011: Archimedes Grave Octo­ber 2011: Opti­cal Illu­sions @ Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Sep­tem­ber 2011: A Brain Teas­er for each Cog­ni­tive Ability…

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