Machine learning study finds standardized brain scan biomarker to detect depression with 66% accuracy

New Study Brings Bio­mark­ers For Depres­sion Clos­er To The Clin­ic (Forbes): Sci­en­tists have been study­ing bio­log­i­cal signs of depres­sion in the brain, look­ing for mark­ers that could be used to iden­ti­fy the dis­or­der. A team of sci­en­tists recent­ly devel­oped a tech­nique using machine learn­ing that can iden­ti­fy whether a giv­en patien­t’s brain scan shows one…

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The more hours you sit per day, the smaller your medial temporal lobe (MTL) seems to become, brain scans show

Sit­ting is bad for your brain — not just your metab­o­lism or heart (UCLA release): “UCLA researchers recruit­ed 35 peo­ple ages 45 to 75 and asked about their phys­i­cal activ­i­ty lev­els and the aver­age num­ber of hours per day they spent sit­ting over the pre­vi­ous week. Each per­son had a high-res­o­lu­­tion MRI scan, which provides…

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Interesting Recent Studies and Articles on Neuroplasticity, Cognitive Reserve, and Brain Fitness

Here are four stud­ies and arti­cles, pub­lished in Jan­u­ary, that report very inter­est­ing find­ings and offer inspir­ing ideas: An arti­cle on the role of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty in Rep. Gabrielle Gif­fords’ recov­ery. A new study that used a blood test able to detect beta amy­loid 42 (the pro­tein frag­ment that makes up Alzheimer’s plaque) and sug­gest­ed that the…

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