Can COVID-19 coronavirus “invade” human brain tissue? (Quick answer: evidence so far is mixed)

Tak­ing a Clos­er Look at COVID-19’s Effects on the Brain (NIH Direc­tor’s blog): While pri­mar­i­ly a res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease, COVID-19 can also lead to neu­ro­log­i­cal prob­lems. The first of these symp­toms might be the loss of smell and taste, while some peo­ple also may lat­er bat­tle headaches, debil­i­tat­ing fatigue, and trou­ble think­ing clear­ly, some­times referred to as…

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Study: Some “brain-boosting” supplements sold in the US contain not-approved drugs at supratherapeutic doses, exposing users to unknown side effects

___ Some brain-boost­­ing sup­ple­ments con­tain an unap­proved drug that could harm users, study warns (STAT news): “Promis­ing to lift brain fog or improve mem­o­ry, brain-boost­­ing sup­ple­ments have joined sex­u­al-enhance­­ment and weight-loss reme­dies in the light­ly reg­u­lat­ed world of dietary sup­ple­ments. These prod­ucts may be sold legal­ly with broad-brush come-ons like these, as long as they don’t…

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Dr. Gary Small’s The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head: Brain Fog

(Edi­tor’s Note: what fol­lows is an excerpt from Dr. Gary Small and Gigi Vor­gan’s new book, The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head: A Psy­chi­a­trist’s Sto­ries of His Most Bizarre Cas­es) CHAPTER TEN Brain Fog Sum­mer 1990 Gigi and I had moved to Stu­dio City, about a forty-minute com­mute to UCLA. On week­ends, we often went…

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