MIT Solve launches Brain Health Challenge: How can every person improve their brain health and mental resilience?

— As a Judge and mem­ber of the Chal­lenge’s Lead­er­ship Team, let me share some rel­e­vant news for sharp brains world­wide: MIT Solve (a recent MIT off­shoot to iden­ti­fy and accel­er­ate scal­able social solu­tions) has just launched a Brain Health Chal­lenge to address the key ques­tion: How can every per­son improve their brain health and men­tal resilience?…

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The future of personalized brain stimulation via enhanced cognitive-emotive profiles: Key neurotechnology patent #31

cognitive-emotive profiles

Today we high­light a fas­ci­nat­ing 2008 patent describ­ing how to com­bine a num­ber of neu­rotech­nolo­gies (EEG feed­back, TMS brain stim­u­la­tion, monitoring/ train­ing soft­ware) to help “upgrade” one’s cog­ni­­tive-emo­­tive pro­file. U.S. Patent No. 7,460,903: Method and sys­tem for a real time adap­tive sys­tem for effect­ing changes in cog­ni­­tive-emo­­tive pro­files Inventor(s): Jaime A. Pine­da, Bren­dan Z. Alli­son Technology…

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NIH outlines global research agenda to tackle brain disorders–from cognitive impairments to depression and dementia

Heads-up: There’s an excellent–and open-access– research sup­ple­ment in Nature, result of an NIH-led effort to advance the glob­al brain dis­or­ders research agen­da. Descrip­tion: Infants are starved of oxy­gen dur­ing dif­fi­cult births. Children’s cog­ni­tive func­tion is per­ma­nent­ly dam­aged due to mal­nu­tri­tion or expo­sure to infec­tions or tox­ins. Adults suf­fer from 

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