Debate: In the field of neurostimulation, what comes first, Published Research or Patents?

The Brain-Zap­ping Olympians (The Ringer): “Gain­ing jacked-up phys­i­cal pow­ers from frontal-lobe-elec­tri­­fy­ing head­gear sounds like a half-baked super­hero ori­gin sto­ry. It’s also a premise that ath­letes are buy­ing as real­i­ty. NBA play­ers and Olympians are wear­ing a brain-stim­u­la­­tion device called Halo Sport in an attempt to trans­form into champions.

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Cognitive enhancement at the edge: The US Navy tests neuro-priming and other non-pharmacological aids to boost cognition and performance

— Super SEALs: Elite Units Pur­sue Brain-Stim­u­lat­ing Tech­nolo­gies ( “At a con­fer­ence near Wash­ing­ton, D.C., in Feb­ru­ary, the com­man­der of all Navy spe­cial oper­a­tions units made an unusu­al request to indus­try: Devel­op and demon­strate tech­nolo­gies that offer “cog­ni­tive enhance­ment” capa­bil­i­ties to boost his elite forces’ men­tal and phys­i­cal performance

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