Five rituals to access InnSæi (Icelandic word for intuition, “the sea within”) and thrive in the fast-changing attention economy

The world we live in is com­plex, volatile, fast-chang­ing and non-lin­ear. Every­thing is inter­con­nect­ed in a sys­tem where a small change in one place can cause an unfore­see­able impact in anoth­er. Metaphor­i­cal­ly speak­ing, the world we live in is very much like the ocean. It is in con­stant motion, and the ever-chang­ing, unpre­dictable direc­tions of…

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New book encourages readers to embrace uncertainty in order to improve decision-making, mental health, and more

Life is uncer­tain. We nev­er know what will hap­pen, and many things are unknow­able. This can make us feel stressed or wor­ried, since the unknown is asso­ci­at­ed with dan­ger. But as jour­nal­ist Mag­gie Jack­son argues in her new book, Uncer­tain: The Wis­dom and Won­der of Being Unsure, there are many ben­e­fits to allow­ing our­selves to…

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Time for a universal “exercise prescription” for kids and adults to boost cognition and mental health?

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing this time a range of brain research find­ings, tools and con­tro­ver­sies plus some brain teasers to chal­lenge your (and our) work­ing mem­o­ry. #1. Major evi­dence review sup­ports an “exer­cise pre­scrip­tion” for most adults to boost men­tal health “High­er inten­si­ty phys­i­cal activ­i­ty was asso­ci­at­ed with greater improvements”…

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Quick brain teaser to prove the limits of multitasking

How often do you dis­cuss office gos­sip via chat while par­tic­i­pat­ing in a Zoom meet­ing? Or read a great arti­cle while talk­ing on the phone with a client? Or, wait, think about work prob­lems while help­ing your child with home­work? Yup, it is not easy to stay focused and be tru­ly productive. 

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Study finds mixed results of Adderall as cognitive enhancer (seems to boost emotion more than cognition)

Over the past 15 years there has been grow­ing aware­ness that many col­lege stu­dents with­out an ADHD diag­no­sis use ADHD drugs. On some cam­pus­es, rates of self-report­ed non-med­i­cal use have exceed­ed 30% of stu­dents. The pri­ma­ry rea­son stu­dents report tak­ing ADHD drugs is to enhance their aca­d­e­m­ic per­for­mance. And, the strong major­i­ty of students —…

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Study: A brief sleep intervention can bring measurable and sustained benefits to children with ADHD

 Sleep prob­lems are com­mon in chil­dren with ADHD, are more per­sis­tent than in the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion, and often exac­er­bate dif­fi­cul­ties asso­ci­at­ed with ADHD. For exam­ple, poor sleep can enhance dif­fi­cul­ties with atten­tion and con­cen­tra­tion that most youth with ADHD expe­ri­ence. Research has shown that brief sleep inter­ven­tions can improve sleep in youth with­out ADHD who…

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