
Did­n’t Reg­is­ter to Par­tic­i­pate in the 2011 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit but want to access all Ses­sion Record­ings (20+ hours, 40+ speak­ers)
Now? You can access and watch ALL PRESENTATIONS  at your leisure now and until Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2012. Once you pur­chase your log-in below ($245) you will receive detailed instruc­tions via email on how to access the Ses­sion Record­ings. All you need is a com­put­er with Inter­net access. Sales are final.


Reg­is­tered Sum­mit Par­tic­i­pants can access all Ses­sion Record­ings until Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2012 by click­ing on the ses­sion titles in the Agen­da page. Please note that the sys­tem can become a bit slow if you move the record­ing ahead sev­er­al times — your expe­ri­ence will be best if you pro­tect the time to watch each ses­sion in its entire­ty, from start to finish.

  • Login: The email address you used to reg­is­ter (where you received all Sum­mit-relat­ed emails).
  • YOUR PASSWORD: The same pass­word you used to access the Sum­mit ses­sions live. If you don’t remem­ber it, please click on the “For­got your pass­word?” link, and you will soon receive an e‑mail titled “Adobe Con­nect — Reset Pass­word” con­tain­ing a link and instruc­tions on set­ting your new pass­word. Once you have a new pass­word, click again on the link cor­re­spond­ing to the ses­sion you want to access. If you still have trou­ble access­ing the record­ing, please con­tact us via this form.

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