Gaiam and Reebok entering mental fitness market via InteraXon Muse partnerships


Inter­aX­on Teams Up with Reebok & Gaiam To Bring Brain Fit­ness to the Mass­es (mobilesyrup):

Many of us lead lives so hec­tic we hard­ly have time to hit the tread­mill nev­er mind take a deep breath and relax. How­ev­er, the boom­ing yoga indus­try (worth $27 bil­lion dol­lars at last count) proves that mind­ful­ness and med­i­ta­tion are an impor­tant part of a com­pre­hen­sive fit­ness regime. In an effort to bring a bal­anced, head-to-toe work­out to the mass­es, the team behind brain-sens­ing head­band Muse has teamed up with fit­ness giants Gaiam and Reebok.

Lead­ing yoga and fit­ness retail­er Gaiam is InteraXon’s first retail part­ner­ship. The com­pa­ny will be sell­ing InteraXon’s black Muse to US shop­pers for $299 USD on its web­site and through its Ama­zon store…InteraXon has also part­nered with Reebok on a small pilot study that explores the men­tal fit­ness space. The Con­sumer Insights Team at Rebook will use Muse to gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of how peo­ple define men­tal ill­ness while also gaug­ing inter­est in the use of devices like Muse for self-improvement.”

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