The New York Times starts to pay attention: Exercising The Mind to Treat Attention Deficits - SharpBrains
Exer­cis­ing The Mind to Treat Atten­tion Deficits (The New York Times): “Poor plan­ning, wan­der­ing atten­tion and trou­ble inhibit­ing impuls­es all sig­ni­fy laps­es in cog­ni­tive con­trol. Now a grow­ing stream of research sug­gests that strength­en­ing this men­tal mus­cle, usu­al­ly with exer­cis­es in so-called mind­ful­ness, may help chil­dren and adults cope with atten­tion deficit hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty dis­or­der and its…