New Summit Sponsor: The Alzheimer’s Research and Pre­ven­tion Foun­da­tion - SharpBrains
We’re proud to announce that the 2013 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit (Sep­tem­ber 19–20th) will count on the sup­port from anoth­er lead­ing orga­ni­za­tion. The Alzheimer’s Research and Pre­ven­tion Foun­da­tion (ARPF), estab­lished in 1993, is ded­i­cated to reduc­ing the inci­dence of Alzheimer’s dis­ease by con­duct­ing clin­i­cal research and pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tional out­reach. Its mis­sion is to make avail­able infor­ma­tion, from con­ven­tional and com­ple­men­tary…