Cognitive Deficits May Hinder Self Care in Patients with Heart Failure

Cog­ni­tive Deficits May Hin­der HF Self Care (Med­Page):
— “Mild cog­ni­tive dys­func­tion may pre­vent patients with heart fail­ure from respond­ing appro­pri­ate­ly to wors­en­ing symp­toms, researchers found.”

- “Among those (patients) with mild cog­ni­tive dys­func­tion, how­ev­er, a greater bur­den of symp­toms was asso­ci­at­ed with worse self care, she report­ed at the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Heart Fail­ure Nurs­es meet­ing here.”

- “…some degree of cog­ni­tive dys­func­tion may be present in 25% to 74% of patients with heart fail­ure, which might influ­ence the abil­i­ty of patients to reli­ably take their med­ica­tions, weigh them­selves dai­ly, and rec­og­nize and respond to symp­toms at home.”

Relat­ed Arti­cleShould Hos­pi­tals Mon­i­tor, and Work to Main­tain, Patients’ Cog­ni­tive Function?

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